The Joy of Grilling and Barbecue

About Me

Welcome to Life with Grilling! My name is Bob and I am the owner of Life with Grilling. Here I am grilling chicken in my favorite venue which is right on the ocean. I have always had a passion for barbecue and grilling and try to enjoy this endeavor as often as possible.

I’ll be adding content regularly to this site.  I’m hoping that this site will be a reference site on barbecue and grilling as well as a journey in the exploration of various barbecue and grilling techniques, ideas, paraphernalia, and recipes.

A lot of people do not understand the difference between grilling and barbecue today but, after spending a little time on this site, you will understand the key differences.

I hope that you will branch out and consider barbecuing a brisket and partake of the wondrous results that slow temperature can have on a piece of meat.  This site will show you how and I will be chronicling my barbecue and grilling exploits.  I hope to also make some recommendations on grills, barbecues, tools, and grill accessories that you can incorporate into your own barbecuing and grilling.

Thanks for dropping by and we hope to see you here often. If you are interested in advertising on this website please feel free to contact me by using the Contact Us page. Here’s to enjoying your Life with Grilling!

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